Contribute to the Transboundary Aquifers of the World Map Update 2021


This year sees the Second International Shared Aquifer Resource Management (ISARM) Conference that is focused on challenges and the way forward within the transboundary aquifer field. It is a key opportunity for showcasing diverse efforts made by UNESCO, the International and Donor community and to streamline groundwater as an enabler for achieving the water-related SDGs.

As we approach the ISARM conference, IGRAC have been accelerating activities relating to transboundary aquifers. In particular, we are planning a 2021 update of the Transboundary Aquifers of the World Map. We are looking to engage experts across the world in this update. 

About the TBA Map

The Transboundary Aquifers of the World Map shows the information presently available on the occurrence and extent of Transboundary Aquifers worldwide. The map is based on the most recent results of an inventory of many projects of many projects carried out around the world. You can find the most recent global map along with archived versions on the Global Groundwater Information System (GGIS).

We would like to hear from individuals or organisations who have:

  • Improved the delineation of a transboundary aquifer 
  • Collected new data that has increased understanding of a transboundary aquifer
  • Identified a new, previously unmapped, transboundary aquifer

This updated map will also include the delineation of transboundary aquifers within Europe. This is a change from the last published map update in 2015 where Groundwater Bodies identified under the EU Water Framework Directive were presented instead of transboundary aquifers. However, across many parts Europe, the delineation of transboundary aquifers is limited. We therefore particularly welcome any direction towards relevant reports, papers, literature, data or maps on transboundary aquifers within Europe.


If you have anything to contribute, please get in touch with IGRAC Researcher Christina Fraser at –