Central Africa

Central Africa is a very interesting region from a transboundary groundwaters perspective. Some major transboundary aquifers like the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS), Lake Chad Basin aquifer, Karoo-Carbonate aquifer and the Cuvette aquifer are all (partially) situated in Central Africa. Sustainable management of such transboundary aquifers require cooperation and good governance and since transboundary groundwaters is one of IGRAC main focal areas, it is very interested in this region.   

IGRAC in Central Africa

In a joint effort with BGR, Cap-Net and the ex-GW·MATE team (World Bank), IGRAC has developed a course on 'Integration of Groundwater Management into Transboundary Basin Organisations in Africa'. This training manual was compiled in response to the needs expressed by some African basin organisations and was designed to develop capcities within those organisations to manage their transboundary groundwater issues. 




