Groundwater at United Nations


During the last meeting of UN-Water, IGRAC presented a proposal to produce an overview of groundwater activities by UN-Water Members (UN agencies and programmes) and Partners (UN affiliated organisations, NGOs, int. associations, etc.) organisations. The proposal is presented on behalf of UNESCO, IAH, IWMI, IUCN and IGRAC. The overview will be presented at the World Water Forum in Brasilia next spring.

UN-Water Members and Partners deal with groundwater in many ways; occasionally groundwater is in focus but usually its role is less visible and related specifics less known. How often is groundwater a part of the processes/activities around health, children, disasters, habitats, sanitation, education, etc.? Does it make any difference whether groundwater of surface water is available/used? What are the limitations and opportunities?

Purpose of a Groundwater Overview

World Water Forum 8 in Brasilia, Brazil
World Water Forum 8 in Brasilia, Brazil

A Groundwater Overview will be prepared to showcase the essentials and credentials of groundwater, placed within the broad spectrum of UN-Water Member’s and Partner’s activities. It will help to raise awareness about the importance of groundwater. It will also contribute to understanding and dissemination of United Nations water-related activities.

Groundwater Overview at WWF8

The proposal is accepted and the UN-Water will support organisation of the Groundwater Overview presentation during the World Water Forum in 2018. All interested UN-Water Members and Partners are invited to participate in the Groundwater Overview production.