
Cap-Net UNDP
Электронная почта
Pretoria, South Africa
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Cap-Net is an international network for capacity development in sustainable water management. It is made up of a partnership of autonomous international, regional and national institutions and networks committed to capacity development in the water sector.

IGRAC and Cap-Net

In a joint effort with BGR, Cap-Net and the ex-GW·MATE team (World Bank), IGRAC has developed a course on 'Integration of Groundwater Management into Transboundary Basin Organizations in Africa'.  The course is the combination of two initiatives. Firstly, the idea of IGRAC and Cap-Net to give a second live to the wealth of material in the 10 year legacy of GW·MATE and to combine this with previous work on Groundwater Management in IWRM lead by Cap-Net. Secondly, the BGR lead initiative to execute an extensive "Needs Assessment to Support Groundwater Management in International Basin Organisations of Africa".